FPS Grant 2024, FPS Vassili Fotis Grant in Neuroscience 2024, FPS Roberto Revoltella Grant in Oncology 2024
FPS announces the approved grants for the 2024 call
Two grants were funded within the tenure-track scheme:
FPS Vassili Fotis grant in neuroscience
PI Valentina Castagnola: “A nano-phage therapeutic platform against neurodegenerations”
FPS Roberto Revoltella grant in oncology
PI Stefano Mariani: “An ultrasensitive fluorescent lateral flow test for liquid biopsy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma”
Two additional grants were funded according to new scheme involving proponennts with the permanet positions in external research centers
FPS grant 2024
PI Elena Levantini (Intitute for biomedical technologies, CNR): “Exploring BMI1′ role in Osimertinib resistance and EGFR mutation-specific metabolic reprogramming in lung cancer”
PI Marco Onorati (Deprtment of biology, University of Pisa): “Tackling-linked neurodegenerative diseases through human cortico-spinal organoids”